Sunday 13 September 2009

Top Funny Story

My friend was told me a Top Funny Story today

One day, a boy was find a toilet for himself in the very emergency situation, the boy was located in the rural area, the toilet was not provide anything, no water, no tissue besides a toilet bowl.

The boy was thinked less on the moment and start to doing his husiness, after the boy finished the business, then only he recall the toilet is not water and tisue been provided, for the boy just used his hand to clean up the 'shit'.

The boy was thinked how can he clean up his hand. The clever boy was shack his hand and hope the shit will fall from his hand. How he know got a 'Bee' flied and bite his hand.

You know what,

The boy feel pain and suck his hand to his mouth... ...

Hello my friend, thank you for told me the funny story in my upset moment...

1 comment:

  1. This is the funny story that original is in chinese published but converted to english will be more funiest, ..I was present on the stage to tell the funny story but lastly one kid said loudly "Ceh..this is not funny la" then i just come down from the stage , then I told to my friend we laugh until fall downon the floor ..Hahahahha
