Friday 23 October 2009

The Last Day I Working In Texas Instrument

Greeting everyone,

Before I go, I wanted to let you all know how much I have enjoyed my tenure here and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with all of you. Thank you all for the support, patience, guidance, friendship and encouragement you have provided me over the past year. You are a special group of people and I will definitely miss you all.

Please keep in touch; I can be reached at my personal email address ( or hp no. (012-571_refer back to call list)
Wish you all the best of luck in your future.

Thanks again for everything and hope you have all the success you deserve in the future.


請保持聯絡: 我的個人邮件是 , 手提電話是 (012-571_ please refer back to call list)。

Sunday 18 October 2009

The last week working in Texas Instrutment for Kompakar Limited

18th of October 2009 / the last week duty in RHD.
Still normal to work in the RHD today,
Not so busy, and also not so free;
Still got TITL issue and TIM issue of the software problem need to be solved.

I am sitting in the office and thinking in the past five month
Since the 1st day I work in Texas Instrument 4th June 2009.
For pass over this five month,
I learned much new IT knowledge in RHD,
For the ‘O’ knowledge of IT until I can be solved the solved problem and other,
I need to thank for my Sifu-Sifu, especially:
Raven Thum, Damian Tey CT, Sony Nasrullah, Alvin, LowYK, Megat, Zaic, Irwan and TIPI agent (RHD).
Besides that, the IT department owner, Norin, ChuaCH, Stephen, Max, TayCT, Ken Lee, YeowHC, and Yani;
The Sifu from Taiwan who are Chris Liu, Tony Wang, Gonz Shih, Roger Chui, KY Chang, Horward Chang and Nelson Su and etc
The non-forgotten is Kompakar Limited was made me a very good challenging in RHD.

For some time I was make trouble to RHD, but the entire seniors still assists and guide me going to the right trap.
I want to take this opportunity to appreciate for all above that I was mention.
Thankz … For the all sweet memories in the RHD.
Will keep in touch in the future.